Tesla Integrates Apple Shortcuts: Bringing Siri Control to Your Car

Tesla Autopilot function

In a move that is sure to please Tesla owners, the company has announced integration with Apple Shortcuts. This means that Tesla owners can now use Siri to control their cars. Such as turning on the air conditioning, opening the frunk, or setting a charge limit.

To use Apple Shortcuts with Tesla, you first need to update the Tesla app to version 4.24.0. Once the update is installed, open the Apple Shortcuts app and create a new shortcut. In the shortcut, you can add a “Set Tesla Vehicle Action” action. This action will allow you to select the desired Tesla action, such as “Turn on the A/C” or “Open Frunk.”

Tesla Integrates Apple Shortcuts, Bringing Siri Control to Your Car

Tesla Apple Shortcuts integration

Once you have created the shortcut, you can activate it by saying “Hey Siri, run [shortcut name]”. For example, you could say “Hey Siri, run Turn on Climate Control” to turn on the climate control in your Tesla.

The integration of Apple Shortcuts with Tesla is a major convenience for Tesla owners. It allows you to control your car with your voice, which can be especially helpful when you are busy or have your hands full. Additionally, the integration opens up a world of possibilities for automating Tesla tasks. For example, you could create a shortcut that turns on the climate control and opens the frunk when you leave for work in the morning.

The integration of Apple Shortcuts with Tesla is just one example of how the automotive industry is becoming increasingly connected to our digital lives. As cars become more and more intelligent, we can expect to see even more integration with our smartphones and other devices.

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In the future, it is possible that we will be able to use our smartphones to control every aspect of our cars, from the climate control to the navigation system. We may even be able to use our cars to control our homes and other smart devices.

The integration of Apple Shortcuts with Tesla is a sign of things to come. It is a glimpse into the future of transportation, where our cars will be seamlessly integrated with our digital lives.

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Here are some of the benefits of using Apple Shortcuts with Tesla:

  • Convenience: You can control your car with your voice, which can be especially helpful when you are busy or have your hands full.
  • Automation: You can create shortcuts that automate Tesla tasks, such as turning on the climate control or opening the frunk.
  • Customization: You can customize your shortcuts to fit your specific needs.
  • Connectivity: The integration of Apple Shortcuts with Tesla is a sign of the increasing connectivity between our cars and our digital lives.

If you are a Tesla owner, I encourage you to try out the Apple Shortcuts integration. It is a great way to make your car more convenient and efficient.

Here are some additional thoughts on the Tesla-Apple integration:

  • It is a win-win for both companies. Tesla gets to offer its customers a more convenient way to control their cars, and Apple gets to expand its reach into the automotive market.
  • It is a sign of the growing importance of voice control in the automotive industry. Voice control is becoming increasingly popular, as it allows drivers to keep their hands on the wheel and their eyes on the road.
  • It is a glimpse into the future of transportation, where our cars will be seamlessly integrated with our digital lives. As cars become more intelligent, we can expect to see even more integration with our smartphones and other devices.

Overall, the Tesla-Apple integration is a positive development for both companies and for the automotive industry as a whole. It is a sign of the growing importance of voice control and connectivity in the car. And it is a glimpse into the future of transportation.

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